
Welcome to Builsa South

Builsa South is home to the biggest markets in all of northern Ghana and people travel over 12 hours to buy and sell here. It’s a feast for your senses with bowls of bright red chilli peppers lining the streets and the smell of burning charcoal cooking maize for hungry passers-by. Many children also come here to sell and earn money for their family. At these busy transit points, with trucks coming and going, these are hotspots for child trafficking and with a market day every six days, children are missing vital schooling.

For generations, people in Builsa South have been farming to earn their living and today, 70% of the population relies on agriculture for their income. The area is known for its production of rice, shea nut, maize and soya beans but recently changing climates have caused these crops to fail. Children are going hungry as 7 in 10 families do not have an adequate food supply and people need to find alternative sources of income in order to protect and provide for their families.


Sponsor a community in Builsa South

Threats facing children in these communities


  • 7 in 10 people are living in poverty (71%)*
  • Almost 70% of people work in the agriculture industry, vulnerable to climate change (69%).

*in northern Ghana. Multidimensional poverty which also incorporates non-monetary measures.


  • Nearly 1 in 2 people aged 6 years and older have never been to school (43%).
  • Almost two thirds of people aged 6 and older are illiterate (61%).

Child protection

  • 94% of children face violence at home or in school*
  • 2,500 people aged 5 and older have a disability and are at risk of neglect, abuse and in the worst case, infanticide because of the Spirit Child Phenomenon.

*In northern Ghana.


  • 1 in 15 children die before their fifth birthday*
  • More than 7 in 10 families are food insecure (75%).

 *In northern Ghana.

The difference you'll make

Today, two in three families in northern Ghana are living in poverty. As a result, 1 in 15 children are dying before their fifth birthday and families are being forced to send their children into child marriage and child labour - at the cost of their safety and education.

Change is possible.

And it starts in the community.

Over the next three years, your support will enable a community to keep all their children healthy, safe and in school.


Sponsor a community in Builsa South


Your sponsorship will help:
  • 440 children to be safe and in quality education.
  • 150 mothers to be supported to earn a stable income.
  • 20 teachers and healthcare workers to be trained to deliver quality education and medical care.
  • 2,900 family and community members to have brighter futures.

* These numbers may vary as communities differ in size.

Ensure Means

You will help women earn a stable income so they can afford food, medicine, and education. Skills training and microfinance will enable them to start a business and provide for their family themselves – forever.

Build Motive

Through community events, radio discussions and Child Rights Clubs we will create Child Champion communities that understand, value and protect the rights of all children. In particular, you will empower children themselves with the knowledge and confidence to fight for their rights, especially the most vulnerable children including girls, street children and children with disabilities.

Create Opportunity

You will improve access to and quality of education, child protection and health services to ensure all children can be healthy, safe and learn. We will train teachers and healthcare workers, provide schools and health centres with innovative resources, and strengthen accountability to protect all children from harm and abuse.

Why AfriKids?

What our supporters say

If, like me, you have ever wondered whether it is worth giving to charities when you read in the press about missing supplies, misdirected aid budgets and the squandering of well-intentioned donations then look to AfriKids and reconsider.

Iain, Supporter

They really are different to any other community organisation I have ever come across... They are more like a movement than a charity, as the vast majority of their workforce is actually local. 

Dan Salmons, Barclaycard

Start your journey today

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Alternatively, email Martha Huntley at


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AfriKids UK Head Office:
AfriKids, Unit G05,
The Record Hall,
16-16A Baldwin's Gardens,

+44 (0) 207 269 0740

AfriKids Ghana Head Office:
PO Box 166
Upper East Region

+233 (0) 3820 97134

Registered charity in England and Wales: 1141028
Registered NGO in Ghana: DSW/3024
Registered in The Netherlands. Tax no: 8238.13.289