

The Pears Mothers and Babies Home begins to take shape

Sister Jane has dedicated her life to protecting babies and children in danger in her community. She has rescued babies, who were feared as "spirit children", from being abandoned or even killed, she has nurtured very poorly babies and children back to good health and she has helped teen mums learn how to cope and care for their children while staying healthy and safe themselves. 

 With AfriKids' support she currently runs a small home in northern Ghana that takes in the most vulnerable young mothers and babies and helps them back on their feet. As well as safe shelter, food and basic healthcare, she teaches these young mums about childcare, health and the importance of education and family planning. When they are stable and ready, she helps them leave the home and set up life independently. 

 In a region, where almost three-quarters of all families live in poverty, there is sadly much need for Sister Jane's mothers and babies home and she is unable to help everyone that needs it. When she has time, she zips about in her bright yellow car to give talks in the community to tackle the root causes of the issues she faces - teaching women about family planning and ante-natal healthcare and promoting the importance of education for all children as a route out of the poverty cycle. 

 In the meantime, the home - which was built ten years ago - desperately needs repairs and maintenance work and Sister Jane has asked for our help to expand it, so she can help more than the 20 young mums and babies she currently has space for.

Construction begins!

We are delighted to share that with the generous support of our friends at Pears Foundation, this dream has now been made possible. Work has begun on repairing the home and building new blocks which will mean Sister Jane and her team will now be able to care for up to 70 babies at a time. The work is due to be completed by the end of this year - watch this space!

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AfriKids UK Head Office:
AfriKids, Unit G05,
The Record Hall,
16-16A Baldwin's Gardens,

+44 (0) 207 269 0740

AfriKids Ghana Head Office:
PO Box 166
Upper East Region

+233 (0) 3820 97134

Registered charity in England and Wales: 1141028
Registered NGO in Ghana: DSW/3024
Registered in The Netherlands. Tax no: 8238.13.289