
Why AfriKids?

For more than 20 years, AfriKids has been proving that local people know their problems best and with the right support, are some of the most powerful agents for change. AfriKids’ projects, designed and delivered entirely by local people, listen to communities and empower them to make sustainable changes themselves, to ensure the rights of every child. Our proven, high-impact model is now ready to scale to change the lives of thousands more children.  

At aK with 20 years experience we have a deep understanding of the complex factors -  

For two decades, AfriKids has worked with families in some of the poorest areas of northern Ghana. With a combined experience among our staff of more than 300 years, we are no longer “taking a chance” on local ideas but have evidence that our programmes workand achieve transformational and lasting change for children today and in the future.  

We have proved the indisputable power of locally-led development and are now working hard to scale up and bring AfriKids’ life-changing work to many more children. This is why we are bringing our programmes to 60 more communities.  

AfriKids UK Head Office:
AfriKids, Unit G05,
The Record Hall,
16-16A Baldwin's Gardens,

+44 (0) 207 269 0740

AfriKids Ghana Head Office:
PO Box 166
Upper East Region

+233 (0) 3820 97134

Registered charity in England and Wales: 1141028
Registered NGO in Ghana: DSW/3024
Registered in The Netherlands. Tax no: 8238.13.289